Media Release: Town Council Meeting Summary (May 10, 2018)
Posted on 05/10/2018

May 9, 2018 Council Meeting Summary

For Immediate Release: May 10, 2018

The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council.

Brown and Hood Heritage Award Presentation

Brown and Hood Heritage AwardMayor David Dunphy presented the Brown and Hood Heritage Award to Kevin Lewis of Pinnacle Marketing Group. In 2009 when the Town of Stratford acquired eight bus shelters in the community, an idea was sparked around using them to feature the Town's veterans in a similar way to the annual banner project which are displayed at Town Centre each November. When Mr. Lewis heard the idea he was immediately on board. From the beginning these were provided at no cost and in fact, he now advises his clients that for three weeks in November the advertising space will be set aside to display the Stratford Hereos project. For the past nine years, all 16 spaces have been turned over for the Stratford Heroes, representing the First and Second World Wars, the Korean Conflict, United Nations Peace Keeping, and Afghanistan missions. The posters have also featured both men and women from all branches of service including Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Merchant Marines. The award is presented by the Town of Stratford to an individual, group, organization, or company who strives to preserve Stratford's heritage, whether in the form of built architecture, written word or through volunteer efforts to promote the values of heritage.

Municipal Government Act Bylaws
The new Municipal Government Act requires a number of bylaws be created over the coming months. Last evening Council approved 1st reading of a Grants and Donations Bylaw (Bylaw #38) which is required to enable the Town of Stratford to provide grants, donations, municipal property tax rebates or in-kind contributions to organizations or individuals. Council also approved 1st reading of the Fees Bylaw (Bylaw #39) which is required for the Town to charge fees for licenses, permits, programs, facility rentals and other matters, and applies to any person or organization upon whom a fee is imposed under this bylaw. The Reserve Bylaw (Bylaw #41) also saw 1st reading approved. This bylaw is required to allow Council the ability to set aside money for a specific purpose. Examples include a Town Capital Reserve to plan for replacement and maintenance of capital assets, a Watershed Reserve to allow for the rehabilitation of watersheds in our community, and an Election Reserve to provide for the costs necessary for holding municipal elections.

Crombie Property Holdings -Commercial Expansion
An application from Crombie REIT was approved which will allow for the expansion of the commercial development of the Kinlock Plaza, 9 Kinlock Road. The application includes the addition of a free standing plaza style building having a total of 9,695 sq.ft., a free standing plaza style building having a total of 7,200 sq.ft., and a free standing commercial building having a total of 10,500 sq.ft. Site Plan -Kinlock Plaza

Sustainable SubdivisionSustainable Subdivision Approved
Council granted approval for a 3rd sustainable subdivision to be developed in the Town. The property located at 520 Keppoch Road was approved for a first phase of development which will see 23 semi-detached (46 total) units developed on the property which along with being a sustainable subdivision, will be a village style retirement community and include amenities such as maintenance free living, a private 9 hole golf course, social centre, and pickleball court, among others. To obtain sustainable subdivision certification, a developer is scored in the four areas of natural environment conservation, social and cultural amenities, renewable energy/water efficiency, and quality of built environment. Upon completion of all phases of work, the 124 acres will see 45.4 acres of dedicated parkland turned over to the Town to include a public trail system of trails, a salt water marsh and a roadway for public beach access.

Appointment of Municipal Electoral Officer
Stratford Town Council appointed Mr. Tim Garrity, Chief Electoral Officer for PEI, as the Municipal Electoral Officer for the upcoming November 2018 Mayor and Council elections. He has been empowered to employ returning officers and election officials as required to conduct the election in accordance with the Town's Election Bylaw.

Digital Sign and Social Media Policies Approved
To aid staff of the Town of Stratford when evaluating requests for use of the Town's digital sign and social media accounts are made, Council approved both a Digital Sign Policy and a Social Media (Non-Municipal Messages) Policy outlining their approved uses and subsequent limitations.

Digital Sign Policy -policy # 2018-AE-02

Social Media Policy (Non-Municipal)

Proclamation -CMHA Mental Health Week

Proclamation -CMHA Mental Health Week
Mayor David Dunphy proclaimed that May 7 to 13, 2018 as CMHA Mental Health Week in Stratford. This year during Mental Health Week the Canadian Mental Health Association is asking everyone to "get loud" for mental health.


For more information please contact:

Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
Phone: (902) 569-1995
Email: [email protected]