Request For Decision
Residents seeking a decision from the Town are asked to first complete the Request for Decision (RFD) form and to indicate clearly the decision that is being requested and the reason(s) for the request.
- Step 1: Decisions are initiated by a Request for Decision (RFD) or an application pursuant to a bylaw or policy.
- Step 2: Where the decision falls within the authority of Council, the CAO will review the RFD and refer it to the appropriate Council Committee for review, followed by their recommendation to Council.
- Step 3: Before forwarding the RFD to the appropriate Council Committee, staff will carry out engagement activities; compile background information; assess the sustainability of the proposal; consider the impact on staffing and budgets; and submit a report to the Council Committee for consideration.
- Step 4: The Committee agenda package will be posted on the town’s website, including the RFD and staff report, for members of the public to view and comment on at least three days before the meeting.
- Step 5: The Committee will review the RFD, report and public comments before making a recommendation to Council.
- Step 6: The Council agenda package, including the draft minutes of the Committee Meeting, will be made available on the Town’s website at least three days before Council meeting.
- Step 7: The draft minutes of the Council Meeting will be made available on the Town’s website no later than three weeks after the Council Meeting.
In the event the CAO determines that the item was previously considered, or may not be supported by Council, the RFD will first be forwarded to the Committee of the Whole Council for discussion. At this point, Council may direct the CAO on the way to proceed or dispose of the RFD and advise the sender that their request will not be considered.
Further information on the Request for Decision is available on our FAQ page.
Note that residents are encouraged to attend Council and Committee Meetings which remain open to the public, except for confidential discussion items.
Residents may use the online form to submit their Request for Decision directly or alternatively, use the printable form which can be mailed, emailed or dropped off to:
Mary McAskill
Email: [email protected]
Stratford Town Centre
234, Shakespeare Drive, PE C1B 2V8
Printable Request for Decision Form
Online Request for Decision Form (does not require to be mailed, emailed or dropped off)